
For the non-Nebraskans, do you know that food you grew up with that you loved as a kid & every time you have it it makes you happy? That’s Val’s for us.
Valentino’s used to have some legit pizza buffets too, also a childhood favorite of mine, but these days they do mostly takeout or local sports. Seriously, go to any sporting event in Lincoln and you’ll get that triangle box with a slice of Val’s inside, I probably get a slice a week while watching my 10 year old play basketball. But my favorite Val’s “location” is getting a warm slice in a cold Memorial Stadium while watching NU dominate the lowly Big 8/12 team of the week play something that occasionally resembles football.
Is Valentino’s great pizza? Quite honestly, I have no clue and I really don’t care. The bacon cheeseburger pizza and a side of creamy Italian dressing to dip the crust in should make anyone happy. But I’m beyond biased here & blinded by years of pizza eating. It’s great to me, so If you’re not a Nebraskan just leave me alone and let me believe it’s the best stuff on the face of the earth.